Penerapan Model Open-Ended Learning Dalam Pembelajaran: A Literature Review


  • Ida Meutiawati UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh

Kata Kunci:

Implementing Model;, Open-Ended Learning


The study aims to analyze the influence of the application of the Open-Ended Learning Model in learning. The method used in reviewing the focus of this study is the Literature Review. Data is collected through article searches in journal databases, while the journal databases used are Google scholar, Connected Papers and Publish or Perish. Data is collected through article searches in journal databases, while the journal databases used are Google scholar, Connected Papers and Publish or Peris.  The data obtained from the previous literature is analyzed by identifying, synthesizing, comparing, adjusting, criticizing, arguing and inferring according to the theme. The results of this study found that the application of the Open-Ended learning model has been used together with other learning media and has influenced students' thinking ability, on student learning outcomes, on student learning achievement, student learning motivation, student communication skills. student creativity and student learning activities. This research is expected to be a reference for educators in choosing a learning model so that it has a positive impact on student learning success.

